We're on our way home from the 42nd National Narrow Gauge Convention in Tacoma. Attendance and vendor participation were a bit light, but the show was excellent otherwise. We met lots of friendly modelers in the exhibit hall, enjoyed some great clinics, and visited outstanding layouts on the tour circuit. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in putting this event together--especially those who opened their homes to visitors. :-)

We enjoyed chatting with people and getting feedback on the models we've already brought back online and the new business model we announced a couple of months ago. We appreciate that folks responded so well to the current offerings (we sold two thirds of the inventory we brought to the show) and expressed support and understanding of our plan to sell limited runs of a few kits each quarter.
Here's a virtual copy of the flyer we handed out at our NNGC booth announcing the kits we'll offer in Fall '22 (October - December) and Winter '23 (January - March).

We received so much positive feedback on the stand-alone shingle packs we brought to the show that we will probably keep those in stock at all times. If we do, we'll add a third model to the Winter '23 slate.